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NYC Mini Storage

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If you are planning a big office move and you cannot put all your commercial goods instantly at your new office space, our company is here to help you. We are there to provide you with some of the quality commercial storage units NYC has! Our company has been for a good period of time in the business and we are known for having quality and reliable storage options. So, our facilities are suitable for keeping all your commercial goods safe and secure as long as there is a need. We will take care of all your business good sand we will make sure that they are transported in the safest and easiest way to our facilities. No matter how many of them you have and what is the type of them, our professionals will take care of it and we will make sure that they are safe and secured. You just have to give us a call and we will provide you with all necessary information that you need to know.

Address: 863 E 141st St, Bronx, NY 10454, United States

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  • Telefon +1 929-593-2438
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